Friday, May 22, 2015

USB3.1 Panel Front(UPD) solution

(Pci-e 3.0 riser card 750mm USB3.1 cable 1000mm Total : 1750mm)

We use the PCI-E GEN 3.0 riser card adapter USB 3.1

We are developing the use of the case

Front output USB 3.1 port

We provide high-frequency transmission and EMI protection solutions

[Test System]

Test environment ︰ PCIE 3.0 environment 。

CPU︰I5-3470 。


SSD︰DATA SP900 128G。  

D-RAM︰Kingston 2G X2 。


USB 3.1 Enclosure︰Two Kingston 120GB V300 raid 0

USB 3.1 expansion card︰USB 3.1 Controller ASM1142
                                           Two USB A.type port

Test 1 USB 3.1 expansion card on motherboard

Test 2 PCI-E riser card X4 600mm to USB 3.1 expansion

Test 3 series with three cable 150mm take 3 to USB 3.1 expansion

Test 1 

USB 3.1 expansion card on motherboard

Test 2 

PCI-E riser card X4 600mm to USB 3.1 expansion

Test 3

 series with three cable 150mm take 3 to USB 3.1 expansion

In conclusion
We did three tests
Get similar scores

If the case is currently no front of the USB3.1 port

You can use the PCI-E GEN 3.0 cable adapter

Using our patented technology

You can have high-quality transmission and EMI protection